Frequently Asked Questions
When does the registration process start, and how does the invoicing work?
The registration process begins after confirming your identity through the KYC information you submit. An invoice will be sent, and upon payment receipt, we proceed with the company registration.
Why do you ask for my personal information?
The Registrar of Companies and compliance regulations mandate the collection of personal information to establish the identity of individuals involved in the company.
How long does it take to incorporate a company in Cyprus?
The process generally takes about 2-4 weeks, depending on company name availability and government processing times.
What happens after I submit an order?
After the confirmation of your KYC documentation and the payment of the invoice, we will contact you via email/phone to arrange the signing of the necessary documentation.
What if I don't feel safe submitting my personal information online?
If you have concerns about submitting personal information online, please contact our support team. We can explore alternative secure methods for identity confirmation and guide you through the process to ensure your comfort and security.
What should I do after the company is incorporated?
Obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN) to commence operations. Additionally, open a bank account for your company. If you need support during these steps or have any questions, feel free to contact our team for assistance.